LE MIROIR DES SPORTS - N° 767 - June 5,

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LE MIROIR DES SPORTS - N° 767 - June 5,


1934 / halfway through the Paris-Belfort cycling race

Impressions of sporting Italy, from Turin to Florence, by Gabriel Hanot

Italians and Czechs will compete in the cup final of the world Cup.

Title: THE MIRROR OF SPORTS - N° 767 - June 5, 1934 ...


Published Date: 1934

Binding: Soft cover

Condition: good

Size 34 x 25 cm

Le Miroir des sports is a French weekly of photographic illustrations devoted to sport. Created in 1920 and following Le Miroir, the title has had several lives. It ceased publication in 1968.

Le Miroir des sports is a bit of a reflection of the public's enthusiasm for competitions: in July 1921, the world boxing championship contested between the Frenchman Georges Carpentier and the American Jack Dempsey is an example. Moreover, in its practice, sport is becoming more democratic and the sports press is no longer aimed at an elite, but at a broad readership. Photography of the moment of the exploit or competition takes precedence over technical articles. Le Miroir des sports responds to these expectations and complements the radio reporting, also emerging at the beginning of the 1920s. Thus, later, it recreates the Tours de France cyclists of the 1930s.