Vintage German Casige Toy Sewing Machine, 1946 , made in the British Zone.

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Vintage German Casige Toy Sewing Machine, 1946 , made in the British Zone. 


Size 21 x 20 x 13 cm

Made in Germany, eagle logo or mark.  In overall good used condition, everything seems to move OK, no apparent damage.  There is some mild finish wear in places, but looks quite nice overall. 

The name Casige, was pronounced Kaseege

Casige was one of the great German toy makers of the 20th century although the original company had been founded some 50 years earlier. Specializing in piano locks.

The company name comes from a mixture of letters of the founder of the company, Carl Sieper( Carl Sieper of Gevenbroich, Gevelsberg) and his town of Gevelsberg, Westfalen in Germany. Ca--si--ge.

A year after Queen Victoria's death in 1901 Carl Sieper II, the grandson of the original company founder, was asked if he could supply cheap small sewing machines to schools. Carl had already seen the huge Muller toy factory and had a tour. He knew that to expand his company he needed contracts and a lucrative school contract would be a good start into the sewing business. 

The first sewing machine to come off their production lines was the model No 1 in 1902 not the 0 which did not appear until around 1910. 

Who would have guessed it would have survived two world wars and over 70 years!

Carl must have known that he was going to produce sewing machines before 1902 as it is impossible to set up such a business quickly. To change the factory around with the foundry and machining would have taken months if not years.

Casige produced toys from 1902 right up until 1975.

Originally like I mentioned Casige produced locks hence the company trademark of a great German eagle clasping a key said to be the key to their success!

Casige produced millions of machines in endless patterns and designs. The Sunflower design is one of the prettiest of all their patterns and looks stunning against the black. Based on their model No2 It was first produced around 1910 and continued up until the outbreak of WWII.