Beautiful antique wooden and bronze crucifix with skull and a saint peter
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$ 8,000.00
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Beautiful antique wooden and bronze crucifix with skull and a saint peter
Italy, end of 1700
Size 28.5 x 13.5 cm
The hill where Christ was crucified was called the hill of Golgotha or Golgatha (The Place of the Skull) long before the time of Christ. The ancients, the Jews believed it was called Golgatha because this was where the skull of Adam was buried. This tradition of Adam's skull became known as The Place of the Skull. Was Christ crucified over the tomb of Adam, the skull of Adam? This tradition was first recorded by Alexandrian theologian Origen (c AD 185 -245) .
2000 years ago Golgatha was outside the city and where Roman soldiers executed criminals and near where travelers could see and be reminded. But even more incredible was the symbol of Christ overcoming the sin of Adam, redeeming us all. Eventually, the symbolism of the Skull and Crossbones under the feet of the crucified Christ became known as 'Victory over Death.'