Space age, yellow, table alarm clock by Blessing West Germany.

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Space age,  yellow, table alarm clock by Blessing West Germany.

West Germany 1960s

Condition: very good

Size 10 x 9 x 7 cm

The company was founded in Waldkirch in 1940 by Rudolf Blessing (1889-1969), who first worked for the watch manufacturers Matthias Bäuerle and Fichter & Hackenjos. Blessing was even a partner at Fichter & Hackenjos. In 1940 he left there and founded the Blessingwerke Waldkirch, where mainly alarm clocks were manufactured.

After WW II the factory was able to re-start again shortly afterwards they establish themselves as the largest European alarm clock manufacturer.

In 1975 Blessing went bankrupt. Finally they closed down in 1977.